
What is alert 8000?

Answer A mail client has connected to the SMTP server in order to send an email message. The mail client...

What is alert 8037?

Answer GMS has confirmed that a message has been stored in the archive. The archive may be used as an...

What is alert 8048?

Answer The remote system issued a EHLO greeting command to GMS but did not include its name (or hostname) so...

What is alert 8211?

Answer A message has been successfully appended to a mail box by GMS. In this case, session Undefined received a...

What is alert 8001?

Answer A remote system or client has connected to GMS in order to send an email message. GMS Anti-Spam carried...

What is alert 8002?

Answer A remote system or client has connected to GMS in order to send an email message. GMS Anti-Spam checked...

What is alert 8003?

Answer A remote system or client has connected to GMS in order to send an email message. GMS Anti-Spam has...

What is alert 8004?

Answer GMS Anti-Spam has received a request to accept a connection and logon request from a remote server. GMS Anti-Spam...

What is alert 8005?

Answer A remote system or client has connected to GMS in order to send an email message. GMS Anti-Spam checked...

What is alert 8006?

Answer A remote system or client has connected to GMS in order to send an email message. GMS Anti-Spam has...

What is alert 8007?

Answer GMS Anti-Spam has received a request to accept a message from a remote server GMS Anti-Spam has detected that...

What is alert 8008?

Answer GMS Anti-Spam ran a DNS based Black List (DNSBL) check on the system which is trying to send a...

What is alert 8009?

Answer A remote system or client has connected to GMS in order to send an email message. The server has...

What is alert 8010?

Answer GMS is in the process of receiving a message from a remote mail server using Enhanced SMTP (ESMTP). ESMTP...

What is alert 8011?

Answer GMS is in the process of receiving a message from a remote mail server using Enhanced SMTP (ESMTP). ESMTP...

What is alert 8012?

Answer GMS was in the process of receiving a message from a remote mail server using Enhanced SMTP (ESMTP) but...

What is alert 8013?

Answer GMS was in the process of receiving a message from a remote mail server or mail client and a...

What is alert 8015?

Answer GMS was in the process of receiving a message from a remote mail server or mail client and the...

What is alert 8017?

Answer GMS has been configured to manage Delivery Status Notification (DSN) messages. There was no DSN specification with this message...

What is alert 8018?

Answer This message has matched a redirection rule and been redirected to another account. Redirection rules are an extremely powerful...

What is alert 8019?

Answer An external system has attempted to send mail to another external system via your mail server, i.e. they have...

What is alert 8020?

Answer GMS Anti-Spam has been configured to limit the number of messages that can be sent to this particular user...

What is alert 8021?

Answer GMS Anti-Spam AI check has identified possible spam and temporarily or completely stopped the email message. The AI check...

What is alert 8022?

Answer GMS Anti-Spam AI check has identified possible spam and temporarily or completely stopped the email message. The AI check...

What is alert 8023?

Answer GMS Anti-Spam AI check has identified possible spam and temporarily or completely stopped the email message. The AI check...