What is alert 8004?


GMS Anti-Spam has received a request to accept a connection and logon request from a remote server. GMS Anti-Spam has detected that there has been an attempt to create more than the allowed number of connections from a single remote IP address in a 24 hour period. Therefore GMS sent an error message to the remote server.

In this case, session Undefined received a connection from the IP address Undefined which issued the HELO command:


GMS rejected the connection with the response


To resolve this issue, you will need to increase the maximum number of connections allowed from that particular IP address in any 24 hour period. These parameters are held in the global variables &quot ;MaxMessagesPerIPAddress" and"MaxMessagesPerIPAddressMes".

GMS Anti-Spam > Connect > Max Connections allows you to increase the number of connections allowed from that particular IP address in any 24 hour period.

See Also:

Keywords:anti-spam AS rejected maxmessagesperipaddress sessions connections remote

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