GMS Anti-Spam has received a request to accept a message from a remote server GMS Anti-Spam has detected that there has been an attempt to create more than the allowed number of connections from a single remote IP address in a 24 hour period. Therefore GMS sent an error message to the remote server.
In this case, session Undefined received a connection from the IP address Undefined which issued the EHLO command:
GMS rejected the connection with the response
To resolve this issue, you will need to check the anti-spam load management configuration. These parameters are held in the global variables "MaxMessagesPerIPAddressMes" and "MaxMessagesPerIPAddress"
GMS Anti-Spam > Connect > Max Connections allows you to increase the number of connections allowed from that particular IP address in any 24 hour period.
See Also:
Keywords:rejected anti-spam AS Maxmessagesperipaddressmes sessions connections remote