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  4. Why will my GMS not load the file ntmvpp.dll?

Why will my GMS not load the file ntmvpp.dll?


I have previously had a trial of Virus Scanner Manager (VSM) on my system which has since expired. On upgrading to build 3075 I was expecting to see restricted word checks being run against Base 64 encoded text but this is not happening.


If you have previously set up VSM to use a configured virus scanning package and this has not been superceded by entering a GMS Anti-Virus key, then GMS will load the ntmvscan.dll at start up. This older dll does not check Base 64 encoded messages for restricted words. You will need to follow the below instructions to get GMS to load ntmvpp.dll at start up which can check Base 64 encoded messages.

If your VSM package has not yet expired you will need to contact Gordano Sales to obtain a special key that permanently disables VSM. Once the key is applied, the steps below completed, and the services re-started restricted word checks will run against Base 64 encoded messages.

If your VSM package has already expired you can get the file ntmvpp.dll to load by setting the following System Variables to be empty.


You can do this by going to the Support > System Variables page and selecting each of them in turn in the scrollable dialog at the top of the page and while the variable is highlighted clicking on the "Change Value" button. Do not enter anything in the "New Value" text area.

If you now stop and restart all of the GMS services you should find that the correct dll is being loaded.

Note: This will disable the use of VSM, if you want to maintain your ability to detect viruses please contact sales@gordano.com to purchase a key for GMS Anti-Virus

See Also:

Keywords:Content Scanning Base64 Base 64 message quality encoding restricted words rwords

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