What is Echelon?


Echelon is a worldwide network monitoring system developed by the USA and UK starting in the 1940s. Allegedly, Echelon “five years ago was bigger than the Internet” and remains active today, monitoring phone calls and data communications of prominent international people.

The following is an extract from an article by Ian Thomson in August’s PCmag.

The EU has warned all businesses and private individuals to adopt encryption technology in light of the existence of Echelon. In a 92page report, the EU committee concluded that, while there was no evidence that Echelon was being used to steal commercial secrets, basic encryption would provide reasonable protection.

The EU news report can be found here:


Gordano products support the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) for the transmission of messages, using SSL encryption you will ensure your privacy is maintained. GMS Secure Socket Layer keys for GMS can be obtained free of charge by contacting sales@gordano.com.

You can find further information on Echelon at http://www.echelonwatch.org

Keywords:security privacy snooping echelon SSL encryption

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