What are the error codes produced by DNS resolution?
These are the list of error codes that can be returned by DNS lookups:
DNS error | Error explanation |
0 | Routine successful – The DNS query completed successfully |
-1 | Generic routine failure – The most likely reason is that the configured DNS server was unreachable. Please check that you can query the DNS server directly from the mail server using nslookup. |
-2 | Invalid thread block – The DNS server blocked the query. Please refer to the DNS administrator. |
-3 | Memory allocation failed – There was not enough free memory to allocate to the query. |
-4 | Corrupt input message (illegal access) – The input to the DNS query was not in an acceptable format. |
-5 | Insufficient space in buffer for output data – The information returned by the DNS server was greater than the space allocated to contain it. This normally indicates a badly configured DNS record but if you are using UDP DNS lookups then you may want to try using TCP/IP queries which allow greater amounts of data to be transferred. |
-6 | Item not found – There was no information found in the DNS server. |
-7 | Bad parameters given to routine – The most likely reason is that an invalid type of DNS record was requested. |
-8 | Recoverable error – This is a temporary error, please try again later. |
-9 | Non-existent domain – The looked up domain does not exist. Either it is a legitimate domain that has been mis-spelled or it genuinely doesn’t exist. |
-10 | Non-existent domain – The looked up domain does not exist. Either it is a legitimate domain that has been mis-spelled or it genuinely doesn’t exist. |
-11 | Reply timed out – The DNS server did not respond within the allotted time frame. |
-12 | Winsock error (WSAGetLastError should be applicable) – There was a winsock error, this error code should be indicated and can be matched against the standard list of winsock error codes to see what the problem is. |
-13 | Socket operation with no socket – The DNS query was not able to obtain a socket to runt he query on. |
-14 | Reply truncated – An incomplete response was returned by the DNS server. |
-15 | System error (GetLastError should be applicable) – There was a system error, this error code should be indicated and can be matched against the standard list of system error codes to see what the problem is. |
-16 | Reply corrupt or invalid – The DNS server returned information that could not be udnerstood. Try a manual query of DNS using nslookup and verify the returned data. |
-17 | Caller’s buffer too small for all mail exchange records – The information returned by the DNS server was greater than the space allocated to contain it. This normally indicates a domain with large numbers of MX records. If you are using UDP DNS lookups then you may want to try using TCP/IP queries which allow greater amounts of data to be transferred. |
-18 | Too many nested aliases – Aliases, otherwise known as CNAME records are only allowed to be a certain depth. This depth has been reached without reaching the end of the nesting in order to discover the resulting IP address. |
-19 | Class not supported – The class of record being requested is not supported by the DNS server. |
-20 | Last Error – returns the system error code for use in conjunction with failure -15 above. |
See Also:
Keywords:DNS error codes lookup