For Solaris
Download the file
Copy this file to a temporary directory and unpack it using "gunzip glmail7A-accessories-solaris-sparc.tar.gz"
Next untar the file by running "tar -xovf glmail7A-accessories-solaris-sparc.tar" to extract the installation files.
For Linux
Download the file
Copy this file to a temporary directory and unpack it using "gunzip glmail7A-accessories-linux-intel.tar.gz"
Next untar the file by running "tar -xovf glmail7A-accessories-linux-intel.tar" to extract the installation files.
Install the Accessory Pack by running "./install /opt/gordano/mail/" where /opt/gordano/mail/ is the path to the GMS isntallation directory.
The /opt/gordano/mail/bin/command directory will now contain the following files: sign.def sign2.def english.tx1 macro.def
Logon to the GMS configuration interface and goto SECURITY > CONTROL page and select the option "Allow direct editing of system variables" and press update.
You will now need to change 2 system variables, go to SUPPORT > SYSTEM VARIABLES,
select VSCANVENDOR from the scrollable list box and enter CS_DLL in the "New Value" box and press Change Value,
select VSCANPROGRAM from the scrollable list box and enter /opt/gordano/mail/bin/command/ in the "New Value" box and press Change Value.
Navigate to the SYSTEM > KEY page and enter your customer reference number and VPP key as supplied to you by Sales. To avoid errors it is advisable to cut and paste thsi information.
Goto VIRUS > VIRUS > ACTIONS and set the options as you require, by default this is set to "Deliver message as usual" and therefore this will need to be changed for your server to take action when a virus is found.
Finally you will need to stop and start the services, to do this change to the
/opt/gordano/mail/bin directory and use the command
./glmail stop
to stop all the services and
./glmail start
to restart all of the services.
GMS Anti-Virus is now set up on your machine and ready for use.
NB: On some installations the GMS file may be located in the /opt/gordano/mail directory.
Keywords:VPP, Linux, Solaris, install, Virus, Virus checker GMS Anti-virus anti virus antivirus