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  4. How can I be confident that GMS Anti-Virus protects my messaging server from email viruses?

How can I be confident that GMS Anti-Virus protects my messaging server from email viruses?


GMS Anti-Virus checks email messages and their attachments at the SMTP Transport level. Integration with the GMS is excellent and performance overhead is minimal (a white paper is in production on this subject).

Both inbound and outbound messages are scanned. When an inbound message (or attachment) is detected as carrying an infection, it will not even reach a mailbox. Similarly, an out bound message will not be sent. Indeed, when using GMS Webmail as a client, if an attachment is detected as carrying an infection, it cannot even be included in the message prior to transmission.

There are several ‘certification’ organisations that confirm AV products as meeting certain standards of performance and protection. Two such are:

Gordano uses a Command Software Anti Virus engine within GMS Anti-Virus. The Command Software engine is listed on both and satisfies Checkmark’s higher certification standards.

See Also:

Keywords:VPP,validation,quality,standards,virus,protection Virus checker GMS Anti-virus anti virus antivirus

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