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  4. Can I use GMS as an MX Backup for my Exchange 2000 server?

Can I use GMS as an MX Backup for my Exchange 2000 server?


I currently run Microsoft Exchange 2000 and would like to run a MX Backup server. Can a GMS server be used for this purpose?


Yes, GMS can be used to provide boundary protection for Exchange. In
addition it can collect and forward the email to the primary mail server
should the primary suffer a failure or connection problems. There is a
special GMS license for this purpose.

If you wish to prevent spam and viruses reaching your system, you will need to purchase a suitable license which will allow the GMS Anti-Spam and GMS Anti-Virus components to be activated.

GMS Anti-Spam provides the server with a comprehensive Anti-Spam solution ensuring unwanted messages are rejected whilst the primary server is off line.

GMS Anti-Virus provides a complete Anti Virus solution ensuring all messages forwared to the primary server, once back on line, are free from Virus.

Keywords:Exchange MXbackup vpp juce Virus checker GMS Anti-virus anti virus antivirus Spam checker GMS Anti-spam anti spam antispam

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