What is alert 8161?


A POP3 client has connected to GMS and issued an STLS command in order to start a secure session. The client provided parameters which are not required. This could be due to several reasons:

  • there is a problem with the remote POP3 client; or
  • someone is attempting to gain control of your server.

In this case, session Undefined was processing a connection from Undefined when the client sent the command


GMS responded with

-ERR invalid parameter

To resolve this problem, you will need to identify the user of the system at Undefined and find out what they are doing. Perhaps you should suggest that they use GMS Webmail over SSL to access their email. If there was an attempt to gain control of your system, GMS has identified it and stopped it.

See Also:

Keywords:invalid parameter STLS RFC2595 8161

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