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  5. Upgrade a JET-Database Driven WorkgroupShare to use MS-SQL Server 2005 Express

Upgrade a JET-Database Driven WorkgroupShare to use MS-SQL Server 2005 Express

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Note that by following this procedure the original JET database will be preserved. Should you experience any problems and need to revert back to JET, edit the SoftalkCollaborationSuite data source in the Data Sources (ODBC) applet in Control Panel (Administrative Tools).

This procedure will also migrate other Softalk Collaboration Suite products to the MS-SQL database as they have a common database


If you had originally chosen to install WorkgroupShare using a JET database and have since found that you have outgrown it, you can upgrade to a MS-SQL Server 2005 Express database using the below procedure.


First ensure that WorkgroupShare is not running. If WorkgroupShare is running as a Windows service then open the Services applet (in Control Panel >> Administrative Tools) and stop the WorkgroupShare service. If WorkgroupShare is running as an executable then right-click on the WorkgroupShare icon in the taskbar notification area and select Shutdown from the context menu.

It is advisable that the JET database be compacted and repaired before moving to MS SQL Server or MS-SQL Server 2005 Express .

Before the database can be migrated, WorkgroupShare will need to be told to store messages outside of the database rather than inside the database as it does with the full version of the MS-SQL database server. This is in order to keep the size of the database down. Although MS-SQL Express is much more capacious than a JET database, it still has a database limit of 4Gb.

To set this option, click Start >> Run and type:


Press Enter.

Expand and go into the following key:


If you do not have a Common key inside the softalk registry key then please create one (Edit >> New >> Key). Go into the common key. If you do not have a Data key inside the Common registry key then please create one. Go into the Data key so that the status bar reads HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARESoftalkCommonData. Create a Dword (Edit >> New >> DWORD (32-bit value)) called blobsAsReferences. Set the data of the blobsAsReferences DWORD value to 1 by double-clicking on the blobsAsReferences value and typing 1 in the value data textbox.

Download and install MS-SQL Server Express. You may download MS-SQL Server Express from here

Please follow Microsoft’s instructions paying particular attention to the dependencies such as ASP.NET Framework. To check that you have ASP .NET installed, look in the Add/Remove Programs applet in Control Panel.

If you wish to manage and maintain your database, then you may do so with the Management Studio software.

Run the WorkgroupShare setup; the setup may be downloaded from here. It is recommended that you perform this step using the latest version of setup. For this you will need to have a current maintenance agreement.

Run the setup and guide it to the database page as per your usual configuration. Set the SQL Server database radio button, Check the Transfer existing data from JET to SQL checkbox and click next. On the database server page, in the server combobox, type the computer name or IP address of your computer, immediately followed with sqlexpress. So, for instance, if you computer is called SERVER then SERVER\sqlexpress should be entered into the server combobox. Click next. If SQL server is installed correctly, then you should not be prompted for server credentials as the current user credentials should be used first and this should succeed. If you are prompted for credentials then please double-check the server-name and that MS-SQL Server Express is running. If you have to change the details, then you will need to restart setup for the changes to be effected.

Verify the changes

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