WorkgroupShare 2.3.2 Release Notes (07/05/2013)
- Service Management on the Admin GUIs of all products All Softalk products that have access to an administration interface have gained a Start/Stop button to control the execution and termination of the Softalk service. This negates the need for customers to browse to the Windows’ Services to manage the relevant Softalk service. This streamlines the process of troubleshooting and resolving common issues, as well as improving the capabilities of the product.
- The location links function as real URL’s to be consistent with other Softalk products The Softalk program file and data file locations, along with the ODBC DSN link are now URL accessible so their paths can be launched from the administration panel. This makes it easier for administrator’s to access important folder locations with extreme ease and convenience.
- Removal of the grant access step in the group wizard(Applies to WorkGroupShare) In response to a plethora of requests to remove the grant access group wizard: this wizard was found to be confusing and often resulted in administrators granting completely incorrect access rights therefore we have chosen to completely remove the wizard.