Outlook reports the following error:
Unable to open your default e-mail folders. An unexpected error has occurred.
MAPI was unable to load the information service SSMS.DLL Be sure the service is installed and configured.
Outlook may run under administrator credentials but not under user credentials.
This error occurs when Outlook is unable to access the message store DLL or one of the required run-time libraries.
Check and set the permissions of the message store DLL and the required run-time libraries.
Check the permissions of the following system files:
In %commonprogramfiles%systemMSMAPI{locale}
Note: {locale} will be 1033 on an English language Outlook
- sssms32.dll
In %windir%system32
- cstcpapi.dll
- mfc71u.dll
- msvcp71.dll
- msvcrt.dll
- msvcr71.dll
The Softalk Share Server user or users in question should have at least read access to the above files. Softalk Share Server setup should set these files to inherit access from the parent. In some circumstances another application may have already installed the C++ run-time files, but not set the inherit access flag and only granted access to the user by whom setup was run.
As an administrator, view the security settings of each file in turn. If necessary, set each file to inherit access. Then confirm that the COMPUTERusers group has read access to the file (you may need to take ownership first).
Default file permissions should be set to allow the COMPUTERusers group read-only access, COMPUTERpower users read/write access and COMPUTERAdministrators full control. If this is not so, then it is recommended that such access is set.
Note: It is not enough to confirm that the system32 folder has correctly set access; the files must be checked individually.