The Off-line database is corrupt or is missing.
Before you start make sure you are not working offline. Look at the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareSoftalkOfficeTalkDatabase
. Offline should be set to 0. If not make sure you are working online before proceeding.
Next check the Offline Database that you are using. To do this look at HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareSoftalkOfficeTalkDatabase
. The offlineDSN entry should be set to the name of your Offline Data Source, this should be OT_REMOTE.
Go into Control Panel, Administrative Tools and select the Data Sources (ODBC) control panel. In there select the System DSN tab. If there is an OT_REMOTE entry then delete it.
Click the Add button in ‘System DSN’. The ‘Create New Data Source’ wizard will be displayed. Select ‘Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)’ and click Finish.
Double click the OT_REMOTE entry (or select it and click Configure). In the Data source name textbox, enter OT_REMOTE (in upper case).
You need to create a new JET database for it to use. To do this click on Create, browse to the folder where you want to keep your Offline database, this is usually C:Program FilesOfficeTalk_offline and the file is usually called OTREMOTE.mdb. If this exists you may want to rename the old one or delete it. Then create the new one.
Close the Data Sources control panel.