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  5. Can I use WorkgroupMail to receive and process my email before routing it all on to another mail server ?

Can I use WorkgroupMail to receive and process my email before routing it all on to another mail server ?


The following mail server features are required:-

  • POP3 connector for an existing mail server.
  • Mail router
  • Virus protection
  • Spam Filter
  • Content Filter

More Info

WorkgroupMail can be configured to receive all incoming mail (sent to it by SMTP or downloaded from an ISP by POP3) and then to route all relevant incoming mail to another server. This configuration can be used as a POP3 connector for mail servers that do not support POP3. It can also be used as a gateway providing a primary defence against spam and viruses, if these features are enabled on this mail server.

This copy of WorkgroupMail would just require the minimum five user licence and should be configured to route all mail to the other mail server.


To configure WorkgroupMail to function in this way:-

    1. Create a domain in WorkgroupMail for each domain that is to be routed.


    1. Create a single user account and give it a mailbox that will not receive mail, eg dummy.account@domain.com.


    1. Edit the properties for the domain and configure the mail for unknown recipients to be relayed if the recipient exists in the routing table. Select the dummy user to receive other unknown mail.


    1. Create a routing table entry that will route all mail for your domain. Click Settings, Routing, Add, and enter the domain address with a wilcard, eg. *@domain.com. Enter the IP address or name (FQDN) of the server to receive the mail.


    1. Configure the Relay Control properties to be ‘This server does not relay for foreign domains…’. No trusted hosts other than localhost and need to be configured for the routing action to be performed.


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