Introducing GMS Webspace
Where are we now, and where are we going?
GMS Webspace seeks to answer both of those questions at once. Webspace is the next generation webmail client by GMS, designed for responsive multi-device access. Webspace is:
- A modern webmail client providing access to all core email features
- An access point to all GMS cloud services
- An access point to individual GMS cloud services where required, e.g.: File storage or Contacts
- A refined mobile client for multiple devices
It is the present: sleek, contemporary and designed for the modern office; accessible from any browser, and on any device, Webspace describes where we are now.
But it is also a window into our future. It is GMS, redesigned. A new style, to fit the new look for GMS. Webspace is changing. It is not static; the plan is that it should continuously evolve, update, grow.
It is the flagship offering of our new bundled packages. The cornerstone of our Cloud service, and an integral part of our On Premise solution. Launched with the new major build of our software, it brings a contemporary flat UI to GMS for the first time. Webspace provides multi-language support, with all the features that you need for your business.
Webspace is just the first wave; right at the forefront of the new GMS rebrand. Dynamic and robust, it will also look to provide a completely different way of staying connected, and staying on top of your business needs. As of the launch, you will get a webmail client that is mobile-optimised, and easily accessible, ensuring that you always have access to your important information: your mail, your calendar and your contacts. The updated look and feel simplifies the management of your inbox.
Beyond this, Webspace will soon boast features and functionality never before available with GMS. Document and contact management means that it can discretely offer cloud services to provide a focused solution. Webspace will become a fully-fledged alternative to solutions such as Drive, providing document storage, synchronised across the client and multiple devices. The launch of the GMS Webspace app will make it even more optimised for mobile usage, whilst it will soon be able to deliver business-class instant messaging.
Webspace will continue to move forward, and improve. As we reach the end of our current roadmap, new features, new functions and new ideas will be incorporated. Webspace, like space itself, is limitless. There is a lot to explore, to discover, to build. And you can join us: Webspace will be incorporated into both the new GMS On Premise and GMS Cloud offerings. You can learn more about those here or reach out to us today to find out more about how our solutions can improve your business.