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  4. Which characters does GMS Anti-Spam substitute when checking the content of incoming messages?

Which characters does GMS Anti-Spam substitute when checking the content of incoming messages?


Spammers frequently try and bypass content checking software by substituting characters within words or phrases, either by other characters or by symbols. GMS implements a range of checks to detect and prevent this.

The most common substitions used by spammers are listed in the two tables below. The first table lists single character substitutions while the second multiple characters which when combined give the appearance of a single character.

Character       Replaced with
@ a, A
8 b, B
3 e, E
1, ! i, I
0 (zero) o, O
z, Z, 5, $ s, S
s, S, 5 z, Z
Multiple Characters       Replaced with
/ a, A
]), |), I) d, D
|/|, // m, M
|| n, N
() o, O
/ v, V
//, vv w, W
>< x, X

Keywords:Content checking character substitution

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