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  4. What do the various transaction log levels mean?

What do the various transaction log levels mean?


The following logging parameters can be set using the Logs > Transaction level page.

Progress Logs the progress of particular actions within each service. For example, the progress of a message through the system, the progress of generation of dynamic web pages in WebMail, etc. Generally used for debugging problems only
Statistics for every message that passes through the server, logs the date and time, the sender’s address, the receiver’s address and the message size in Kb. Generally switched on so that a single line is included for each message delivered or sent by GMS.
Returns records all messages that are returned to the sender for whatever reason.
Protocol records all messages sent/received
Anti-spam statistics on e-mail rejected by Anti-spam
DNS Records requests to DNS servers for the resolution of domain names and the responses they return. Problems with errant DNS servers are often shown up when this logging is switched on.
Failures Failed delivery of messages. Shows all transmission failures for whatever reason. For example, in SMTP delivery to an unknown user would result in a failure being logged.
Parser output of all MML processing, results in very large logs so should only be enabled when essential. For example: lists the pages executed, the variable contents and changes, stack information, etc.

By default only statistics and failure information is collected, but if you have problems with a service, turn on its other log parameters too. Once the problem is resolved, disable these again or log files will grow very large.

There are additional transaction log levels that you may be asked to enable by Gordano Support to resolve specific issues.

All log entries have a unique number and a selection of information. Log entries in the rage 8000-8999 series are special alerts which have full help information available in this knowledge base.

See Also:

Keywords:log, logging, transaction, levels, log levels, logging levels

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