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  4. What do the fields in ipconnect.txt mean?

What do the fields in ipconnect.txt mean?


GMS has the ability to allow complete flexibility over Port and IP address usage. This is configured under Administration > Mail > Incoming > Connections. The infomation entered into the interface is written to a file called ipconnect.txt in the root gordano folder. This file is used by the services at startup to determine which Ports and IP addresses each service should bind to.

If an entry does not exist for a particular service the default port will be used and all available IP addresses will be bound to.


Each service an protocol has its own entry in the IPConnect.txt file, and all of the settings for that service/protocol are written on the same line. The following table shows details for one such line which an exlanaion of what each parameter means

Service The name of the base service, i.e. SMTP, WWW, etc.
Protocol The name of the Protocol running under the base service, i.e. WWW, AdminMML, etc.
SSL *, None or TLS
Reserved For future use
IP:Port The IP Address to bind to, if no port is specified the default ports will be used
Domain The domain name as set up in GMS
Hostname If * then use the default hostname on the server
Allow Local IP Addresses Allows Local IP addresses to use the service
External IP Addresses List of external IP addresses allowed to connect to the service, deful tis * to allow everyone

Note: If you are using SSL there should be two entries for each service/protocol, one for standard usage and one for SSL usage.

Keywords:IP flexibility ipconnect

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