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  5. Message are being repeatedly downloaded from the ISP. How do I stop this?

Message are being repeatedly downloaded from the ISP. How do I stop this?


Multiple copies of the most recent messages appear in the WorkgroupMail Incoming Queue and this number is increasing with each connection to the server


The download is never being completed successfully and so downloaded messages are not being deleted from the POP3 mailbox at the ISP. Multiple copies of messages may also be appearing in the inbox of any active mail clients.

More Info

This problem only applies to a WorkgroupMail mail server that downloads messages from a POP3 mailbox and that is not configured to leave a copy of messages on the server. View the ISP properties to check this.


Please make sure that you are running the latest version of WorkgroupMail.

Enable SMTP/POP3 logging in the Administrator (click Settings, Logging…). Do two send/receive actions within WorkgroupMail and then review the resulting POP3RCV log file using Notepad. Do a search for “retr”, which is the POP3 command to retrieve a message. Repeat the search and check that the message count decrements down to 1. If the count does not reach 1, or the final message was not downloaded entirely before the next Workgroupmail connection to the ISP, then a problem was encountered. The successful completion of the download transaction is where the final message is terminated with a period “.” on a line by itself, followed by a WorkgroupMail confirmation, like 250 OK.

Note that it is only when the download transaction has been completed successfully that the messages marked for deletion (by the “DELE” command) will be deleted. So, the next connection by WorkgroupMail following an unsuccessful download transaction will download all of the messages again. This is as defined in the POP3 protocol standards.

To prevent further download of the messages when the download is failing at a certain message, the offending message must be deleted. The easiest way to do this is to use the ISP’s WebMail service.

If no webmail service is available then the offending message can be deleted manually using a telnet connection. For details of how to do this click here. Refer to test 3 and use the ISP’s SMTP server address in place of the WorkgroupMail_IP_Address and your account details at the ISP in place of the local POP3 account details. After successfully listing the messages at the ISP, use the TOP command to view the header of each message, eg top 3 0, where 3 is the message number. Once you have identified the problem message number type dele 3 where 3 is the message number. Type quit to close the connection.

If this problem persists, please send the POP3RCV log file for that day to support@workgroupmail.com, quoting the subject line of the message in question.

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