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  4. How do I use a different hierarchical separator in IMAP?

How do I use a different hierarchical separator in IMAP?


The IMAP specification does not specify which character should be used to separate directories. Most mail client and server vendors use the "." (a single dot) as a hierarchical separator for the IMAP service. This is the
default in GMS.

Some mail client and server vendors have used different hierachical separators, can GMS be modified to use a different separator?


Go to the Support > System Variables page and in the top scrollable box scoll down until you see an entry for IMAPFolderDelimiter. Select this entry with your mouse and in the "New Value" box enter the new delimiter you would like to use, then click on the "Change Value" button.

Please note that only a single character can be entered as the delimiter. The delimiter can only be set at the System (Global) level.

See Also:

Keywords:IMAP folder hierarchical separator

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