I wish to move GMS Mail from one machine to another, without losing my settings or email. How can I do this?
This answer refers to version 3 only.
On the same version of Windows NT
Use this method to transfer GMS Mail from a version 3.51 to version 3.51 of Windows NT or version 4.0 to version 4.0 of WindowsNT. DO NOT attempt to transfer from version 3.51 to version 4.0 because Microsoft have changed the regisry key structure.
- Send a message to
asking for a new key for your new machine. You will need to say that you are (a) moving GMS Mail to a new machine and will destroy the old license when this is complete; and
(b) include the machine name of the new machine. Please remember to include 49 GBP (plus sales tax if appropriate) administration charge. - Stop mail services on the old machine with the button on the Services page of the CPL or use the mail -stop command.
- Use the registry editor and select the “InternetShopper” key and use the menu option “save key”.
- Install a new version of GMS Mail on the new machine.
- Copy over the files in the directories of the old machine to the new machine (using File Manager, for example).
- Use registry on the new machine, select InternetShopper and use restore key. Make sure you select InternetShopper key. Be very careful, you could destroy the system settings if you have (for example) selected Microsoft.
- Enter the new key for the second machine using the CPL “Key” page.
- Restart the mail services from the Services page of the CPL or enter the mail -start command.
Any Version of Windows NT
Another method of transfering GMS Mail from one machine to another uses the “setup.txt” file. This may be used on any version of WindowsNT.
- First obtain your new key from Gordano Ltd. sales
as above. - Stop the mail services on the old machine with the button on the Services page of the CPL – or use the mail -stop command.
- Type the command: “mail -y” in a DOS prompt.
- Install a new version of GMS Mail on the new machine.
- Copy over the files in the directories of the old machine to the new machine.
- Type the command: “mail -yr” in a DOS prompt.
- Enter the new key for the second machine using the CPL “Key” page.
- Restart the mail services.
See Also:
Keywords:move change machine computer server transfer rebuild